Our School » Principal's Message

Principal's Message


August 15, 2022

Dear Windsor Hills Math Science Aerospace Magnet Families,

On behalf of the Windsor Hills Magnet School staff, I welcome you to the new school year! This year several new staff members have joined our Windsor Hills family:

  • Ms. Maxine Faustino, Kindergarten Teacher
  • Mr. Chris Rodriguez, Third Grade Teacher
  • Mr. Jamaal Randall, Fifth Grade Teacher
  • Mrs. Tasha Bagby, Intervention Coordinator

Please join me in making our new staff members feel welcomed. Working together with you, we look forward to ensuring our children have the support at home and school they need for a successful learning experience.


  1. Campus Opens at 7:45 for students
  2. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 8:15 am - 2:35 pm
  3. Tuesdays are 8:15 am - 1:35 pm
  4. Students are marked tardy beginning at 8:15 am

As partners, we share in the responsibility for our children’s success and will do our best to carry out our responsibilities. We ask for your support in your child’s learning, and here are a few details to help you:  Our goal is for the Windsor staff and students to come to school 100% for the entire school year, arrive on time and stay the entire school day.

To achieve perfect attendance, students must arrive on time, and be present at school all day. When a student is absent or tardy, s/he should return to school with a note explaining the absence or the tardy. If you have any questions regarding attendance issues, please contact our Pupil Services or the Main Office.


CAMPUS OPENS at 7:45 am. NO SUPERVISION is provided before 7:45 am. Your child cannot be on, or in front of the campus before 7:45 am.

Youth Services and Youth Development Program: Our playground is open every school day until 6:00pm for students enrolled in the Afterschool Program. Please inquire with the main office for enrollment information.


Entry Gates Open @ 7:45 AM

Kinder, 4th and 5th: Gate Near Auditorium/Staff Parking Lot on Mount Vernon Dr.

1st, 2nd, and 3rd: Late Gate Near Main Office on Overdale Dr.


Dismissal Gates Open @ 2:35 PM (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday)

                                         @ 1:35 PM (Tuesdays Only)

  • Kinder Gate (On Mount Vernon Dr. near Auditorium/Staff Parking Lot)
  • 1St Grade Gate (On Mount Vernon Dr. near the park)
  • 2nd & 3rd Grade Gate (On Overdale Dr. near the Church)
  • 4th Grade Gate (On Mount Vernon Dr. near Auditorium/Staff Parking Lot)
  • 5th Grade Gate (On Mount Vernon Dr. near 5th Grade Bungalow)

PARKING - All vehicles parked in the School Bus Zones between 7AM-9AM and 1PM-3PM (Mon – Fri) will be ticketed and possibly towed away at the owner’s expense. Thank you for supporting our school safety measures. The staff parking lot on Mount Vernon Dr. is for Windsor Hills Magnet STAFF ONLY.

Please do not park in the staff lot or walk through the staff parking lot. Please do not park in the bus loading zones at the main entrance on Overdale Dr. or in the bus loading zones on Mount Vernon Dr. Street parking is available. Please carefully read the parking signs posted for restrictions. Your car may be ticketed if you park in bus loading zones or red painted curb areas.

Join the Mount Vernon Dr. Valet Program from 7:45 am to 8:15 am when driving your child(ren) to school. Staff and volunteers will help our scholars exit vehicles safely curbside and ask cars to keep moving southbound on Mount Vernon Dr. Please put safety first by having your children exit vehicles curbside rather than crossing in the middle of the street. Also, refrain from U-turns into the valet zone. THANK YOU!


    1. IF STUDENT IS NEGATIVE – please bring them to school
    2. IF STUDENT IS POSITIVE – Upload to the daily pass so that district can call for your return day
  2. UPDATE ALL INFORMATION TO STAY IN THE LOOP IN CASE OF EMERGENCY.  You can do that via sign up for parent portal and with the emergency card.

HEALTHY BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS: Student birthday celebrations at school can be healthy and fun for all students. At Windsor, with the classroom teacher’s permission, the last 10-15 minutes of each school day or non-instructional time, may be reserved for birthday celebrations. Please ask your child’s teacher about a time and date and read the flier for healthy celebration suggestions.

LUNCH DROP OFF: In promoting healthy nutrition for our scholars, and to minimize interruption of Instructional Time, OUR MAIN OFFICE PERSONNEL WILL NO LONGER BE ACCEPTING DROP-OFF FOOD ITEMS FROM DELIVERY SERVICES SUCH AS UBER EATS, DOORDASH, AND OTHER NOTABLE FOOD DELIVERY SERVICES DURING INSTRUCTIONAL TIME. The number of deliveries have gotten out of control over the last 18 months. Please send the scholars’ lunches and snacks with them each morning, or encourage them to eat the lunches provided by the school cafeteria. We are asking if you are dropping off lunch in person for the student, that the lunch be a healthy homemade or deli lunch to prevent sharing or students being asked to share.  If students have fast food, they will be asked to sit away from the lunch table to no feel the pressure of sharing.


  • We are strongly encouraging all scholars to wear a uniform daily!
  • School Dress Code: Students are encouraged to wear the school uniform of a gray bottom; shorts or pants, Gray, Burgundy & White dress or skirt, a white top; School polo shirt, or long sleeves, not t-shirts. For student safety, toes and heels should be enclosed. Open-toed shoes and shoes with heels out are not appropriate for school. For your child(ren)’s safety, sandals with the toes exposed or Crocs are strongly discouraged.


The Tiger Way, our school-wide behavior expectations, recognizes our students, staff, parents, and school community members for being people of character, for being hardworking and persevering, and for being safe. In order to reach our goal of maximum academic achievement and productive student voice, we have to adopt the principles of non-violence among all scholars. Our scholars will adopt the concept of Brain Power over Physical Retaliation.

The Windsor Hills Magnet school-wide behavior expectations are included in this letter so that you and your child(ren) can read and review them together. Students earn positive recognition for following the school-wide behavior expectations. The school-wide behavior expectations are designed to help keep our students and campus safe, and maintain a positive learning environment where student success is celebrated. If you have questions about the school-wide behavior expectations, please feel free to contact the school administrators or contact your child(ren)’s teacher to talk about the behavior expectations. It’s vital you and your child(ren) are fully informed regarding the behavior expectations at school. The behavior expectations are designed to help our students build the resilience they need to be college and career ready, and have a safe and productive school year.

  • Anti-Bullying, Hazing and Harassment: Bullying and harassment complaints are taken very seriously. Every reported incident is investigated and handled using District protocols. Follow-up actions are taken to ensure that the negative behavior has been resolved. Please read the enclosed information about the definition of bullying, hazing and harassment. Windsor Hills Math Science Aerospace Magnet is committed to keeping all scholars safe.
  • STARTING SMART SCHEDULE: The first 30 days of the school year are critical in setting the foundation for a successful year of achievement. The first 45 days of the school year will focus on establishing effective classroom routines and closing the achievement gap by assessing students in the foundational skills to learn students’ strengths and identify gaps in learning. Classroom and intervention teachers and aides will use the assessment data to work towards closing achievement gaps and monitoring progress. Once this process is completed, enrichment opportunities will begin.

We thank you for your support and look forward to seeing you August 15, 2022, at 8:15 am.


Mr. Christopher K. Heim - Principal